Renewable energy
Renewable energy sources have two major advantages. They renew themselves and will therefore not run out in the foreseeable future, and they do not affect the environment in the same way as the use of oil, coal and other fossil energy sources.
There is no shortage of renewable energy. The challenge comes in making it accessible – where it’s needed, when it’s needed and at a competitive price. This is why we exist. By using our knowledge and infrastructure for the transport and storage of gas, we assume our responsibility for achieving the climate goals.
Nordion Energi is actively driving the transition to a climate-neutral society and industry in Sweden and Europe today. We make it possible for our existing and new customers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, help reduce local air pollution and secure future competitiveness. At the same time, we are driving the development of new energy infrastructure, for example for CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) and hydrogen.
All the investments we make support a renewable, climate-neutral agenda to reduce CO2 emissions.
Towards a sustainable transition
Sweden has come a long way, but there is still a lot of work to be done, not least if we want to continue to play a leading role. The transition is in full swing in the world around us, and it requires collaboration between different kinds of production and energy systems. The ability to flexibly transmit and store energy will be crucial.
The supply of green gas must increase in Sweden. Biogas is the most in demand of the green gases. More people need access to biogas. One way is to help biogas producers to reach a larger market by connecting biogas plants to gas grids, for storage and transport. Large-scale biogas production can then take off. And both heavy transport and shipping can have access to renewable fuel. By investing in liquefied biogas (LBG), we can facilitate the transition for shipping. We are also striving to increase access to renewable hydrogen, which is an important energy source as heavy industry makes the transition.
Another good technology – Power to Gas – uses surplus energy from weather-dependent energy sources, such as wind power, which can be stored and transported in gas grids.
In order to manage this transition, the energy systems for electricity, gas and heat need to be linked together, so-called sector coupling. By means of closer collaboration with other actors and sector coupling, we will increase the total volume of renewable energy. Thereby securing the energy supply.